Monday, July 31, 2006



How to get ELT Targeted Results
This site has two search engines:
One of them produces results from this ELT Notes site only. This can be useful to quickly access information from a previous post, or simply to know whether I have already published something about a topic of your interest.
The other is a custom made search engine which delivers targeted results for teachers of English. This application has collaborative features: it allows you to add, delete and suggest web sites and pages.
This is how it works:
To start a search, you may click on one of the tags included inside the search engine box called HOT SEARCHES. Just hover your mouse over the tags and you'll see they are all clickable. Or you may enter your key words in the search bar and start afresh.
A new window will open for your results page. Dragging the mouse pointer over the results, a menu with these options will appear:
^ Tag/promote this page
^ Promote this site
X Delete this page
X Delete this site
At the bottom of the results page, there is an option to manually include a site (perhaps your own) to be listed in future searches.

Changes will not appear automatically. As the creator of the TEACHING ENGLISH Search Engine, I will be the moderator of the user’s suggestions. Every proposed change will be assessed under the ELT Notes link policy.
Try it. The more we use it, the more relevant the results will be. I sincerely hope that one day search engines become time savers for teachers instead of time eaters!
For suggestions about this search engine, you may post a comment below, or simply drop a Post-it note here.

Thursday, July 27, 2006



Writing Phonetics Online



Links to Linguistics, Phonetics, Speech & Hearing


Computer readable phonetic alphabet

Web Resources

Phonetics Practice

Sound Patterns of Spoken English

Audio Files. Devoicing, assimilation, deletion, glottal stops, nasalization, syllabication.

Phonetics Resources on the Web (Last updated August 2004)

For phonetics courses.

Links to fonts and courses

More tutorials uploaded by jesler at Slideshare

Links to sites about American pronunciation with exercises

Resources for studying spoken English- University of Washington

IPA, variations, synthesisers, speech recognition, archives, tutorials.


About the use of RP

Articles by J.C. Wells

Definitions, examples, attitudes to RP

Phonemic transcription of RP

Audio Samples

RP Audio Samples

Audio Archive- Samples from spoken English from speakers around the world

Common Errors

100 Most Often Mispronounced Words and Phrases in English

Common Mistakes in English by Language Background

Fun with English


Studying English Pronunciation

Bibliography, dictionaries, courses.

Monday, July 24, 2006



Idioms, phrasals, pronunciation, quizzes.

  • Interactive Exercises

Online quizzes. Focus on functions and grammar.

Grammar, phrasals, vocabulary.

  • Internet for Classrooms

Extensive list of links to sites with activities and ideas.

ESL guide to the Internet.

Online English Courses

Online Learning

  • BBC Audio and video lessons

  • British Council

  • To Learn (French site in English)

A course for beginners. Placement test and interactive tests.

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans for Teachers

  • Sites for Teachers

(General –not just ELT)

This site includes Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies lesson plans, worksheets, activities, Clip Art. The sites links you to the sources and ranks them.


English as a Second Language.

  • TeachingEnglish

Uk topics mainly.Plans and worksheets are downloadable and in pdf format, some with mp3 as well

  • BBC

Lesson plans from the news. Pdf format.

  • The Educator’s Reference Desk

Plans for ESL:

  • Literature on lesson planning Theory and analysis:

Lesson plans as well as Business English, quizzes and practice.

Education Portals ( in English)

Education Portals

Sections with articles that foster critical thinking:

1. Web English Teacher

2. Top Online Educators

3. Education World

4. The Educator’s Reference Desk

5. Interesting Things for Teachers

6. Glencoe

7. Education World

8. A&E Classroom

9. Onestopenglish

10. BBC & British Council

11. Inglé

12. I Love Languages

Resources for ELT

Resources: Web Guide for Teachers

Most comprehensive listings with various categories

· Dave’s Cafe Arranged alphabetically

· The ESL Center

· The InternetTESL Journal

· North East Conference

· Cybrary Man's Educational Websites

MISCELLANEOUS (Lists of resources to sort)

· From Intensive English Institute. Illinois. The listing includes Grammar, listening and reading.


About this Site


ELTnotes (i.e. the notebook of an English language teacher)

These pages trace the paths of my online readings. The indexed subjects sometimes correspond to the subjects I have studied at university or simply the topics I am curious about. The notes here collected are far from complete, yet they may well be a guide for further webquests. I hope you find them helpful.

ELTnotes is a database protected by copyright.

Link policy and disclaimer is here.

Comments on this site are moderated.

About me and how to get in touch: here or here.

Index of previous notes (by which I mean an attempt at a sitemap will be listed here )


Editor & Maintainer

Editor and Maintainer

ELT is authored, edited and maintained by Claudia Ceraso. For viewing my complete profile, sister sites and contact information please go here.
If you would like to make suggestions for this site, you can leave me a

A Brief Career Bio

About my teaching background

Key terms: teaching adults, in-company lessons, English Literature, NLP, literary and scientific translation.

My name is Claudia Ceraso and I graduated as a teacher of English at IES Lenguas Vivas "Juan Ramón Fernández" in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Halfway down the course of studies I realised I wanted to teach adults. One year before graduation I started working in companies to train executives. Working for institutes and coordinators of in-company lessons has helped me obtain a wider view of education outside school walls. I am very interested in exploring aspects of ongoing, lifelong learning.

I simply love teaching adults. I believe I understand their motivation and stumbling blocks when they are faced with the challenge of learning a foreign language. I think I enjoy dealing with some of the resistances to learn they find, such as doing homework, striving at pronouncing correctly or understanding the basics of English grammar. I feel I have a lot to offer to them and I am happy when at the end of the course they say learning English has been a profitable and enjoyable experience.

Soon after graduation, I became acquainted with Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). I attended workshops organised by an NLP practitioner who is also a teacher of English. Discussions on how to apply some techniques in class and in materials design helped focus on the part of my job that has to do with communication and building a rapport with students and among students in class. Gradually, my teaching style changed altogether. I think I became more confident. I reduced my prejudgments about student’s needs and best ways of learning and instead I found myself speaking less and listening to a lot more. That was a rediscovery time in my career. I still resort to NLP sometimes.

I have worked in different company environments. I have experienced what it is like to work in a state-run company, a family business and international groups. I learned to identify components of company culture. I have heard many managers discuss what level of English employees should have and how teaching is supposed to be done. Working in so many different contexts has kept me flexible and open to debate ideas.

I am very keen on languages. For the last decade I have studied Italian, French and Portuguese –some attempts more successful than others. I am a regular reader of online newspapers in those languages.

My love for language led me into translation studies. I have been studying to become an English into Spanish literary and scientific translator at Lenguas Vivas. I was first attracted to it because I felt I had a kind of deficit in Spanish, my mother tongue. However, I discovered I like the process of translation, the research, the recreation of a message in a new medium. I hope one day to be able to combine my teaching career with translation projects.

While studying translation, I became acquainted with Alfredo Jaeger. I had heard a lot about his approach to teaching so I requested permission to attend his Literature I lessons at Lenguas Vivas as an auditor. That was in 2001 and I have been there –with some intervals- until last June when Mr Jaeger retired. To detail how enriching those lessons have been for me would make this career bio too wordy. Let me say I have learnt a lot.

In 2000 I started working at AACI, Asociación Argentina de Cultura Inglesa. My objective was to be able to teach adults at an advanced level, since companies rarely afford that. At AACI I have taught Cambridge exam courses. At present, I am working on a personal project to explore the use of websites as a support to my FCE lessons. In this experience I seem to be blending the IT knowledge gained working at companies, the web research abilities I learnt in my translation studies and my zeal for sharing information with students. I believe teaching in today’s world requires a degree of web literacy, to be able to communicate in a digitally connected world. I am slowly learning Internet language - I am still a beginner with a foreign accent.

Last March I started the Licenciatura en enseñanza del inglés at CAECE University. My objective in this graduate course of studies is to refresh, update and learn anew. I look forward to teaching in higher education one day.

Note: This short career bio was written at the request of Mr Efrain Davis at CAECE University.

Related Links:


Link Policy

Link Policy
The criteria for the selection and inclusion of links in this site is based on the following:

Content: information overweighs the ads.
Currency: sites recently updated are favoured.
Availability: pages have been on the web for quite some time.
Source: it is possible to trace a site author or maintainer.
Purpose: sites are basically educational, not commercial.
Audience: sites are mostly addressed to teachers more than students.
Quality: well written and organised.
Cost: information is provided free of charge.

ELTnotes is not responsible for the content of external links.

Site Map


Last Updated on 10th March 2007

me, this site, how I choose web links, legal & co.

About this site

Editor & Maintainer

Link Policy & Disclaimer

About Me and Sister Sites

Leave me a Post-it Note

ELT Search Engine

Metalinks (i.e. pages listing links, portals for ESL teachers. You’ll have to search further in those sites).

Education Portals (in English)
Resources for ELT

Lesson planning (materials for your lessons)

Lesson Plans
Online English Courses

The English Language

Plain English
English Language History and Dialects


Teaching Online - SKYPE

Second Life


Blogs & Wikis

Blogging for Teachers

A Blog Genesis

On Gadgets and Widgets

On the Wiki Threshold

Writing Tools

Licenciatura CAECE

Teaching Cambridge Courses

A Brief Career Bio

Cognitive Science


Web 2.0

RSS Digestion: Too much to read?

NB: This site is about ELTnotes. It is meant to guide you in your web search, however, the listing of resources in each post is neither complete nor comprehensive. Just notes.




Visits since July 2006:

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