My Goals
Present and Future
I've been tagged for a meme by Kelly -and by Eduardo Peyrano a few days later. This has rules fully detailed in Educational Discourse blog.
This meme is kind of difficult to play. When I read this, my mind got puzzled:
"List and write about the top 5 to 10 goals that you gotta’ get so that
you can truly say you have achieved your wildest dreams in life. These
have to be your best, most exclusive, and over-the-top goals that you
can pick off your goals list."
The thing is that although I keep lists for almost anything, from supermarket and to-do-lists to wish lists for the next holiday, I do not have a list for my life. I am joining because I like what I have learnt about Kelly and Eduardo in their posts. Because blogs can bring us closer.
I'd rather replace the word goals for dreams. (Blame my capricious nature for it). The ones that came true will be outside this post -many things will be out, ouch! But we are interested in learning about those things that drive us towards the future. Things we do not always mention, but they underpin our posts.

Image attribution: punkasz
That picture reminds me so much of the days when I commuted for about 4 hours a day from my parents' to College and back. Getting a degree was indeed a goal/dream come true.
1) See the Egyptian pyramids. I think I was ten years old when this wish shaped in my mind. This is what I call a dream without a due date. That is, as long as it happens one day, I will be ever so happy. Needn't be soon. No anxiety about it at all .
2) See The Police concert next December in Buenos Aires. I thought this reunion would never happen. You cannot imagine how thrilled I am about this. It is strange to have wanted something to happen for 24 years.
3) Celebrate my parent's 50th wedding anniversary next December (same day of The Police concert!). They are incredible people who have drawn even closer in the face of adversity. They are like. no. other.
4) Travel again. Same places and different places. The more, the merrier. Feel the delight of meeting different people in their familiar surroundings.
That is all about the future. My mind is here and now focused.
5) Recent Achievements
I was very happy this week when I posted this in my fceblog for students. That blog experience has taught me so much. So much. Now that the blog has been singled out in a book as a model to encourage teachers to get blogging for their students, I feel a goal has been achieved.
A blogger wants to get attention first and then spread the word. Make an impact in the blogosphere. But there will always be those teachers who feel puzzled or overwhelmed with info. They go to the printed word first. Will I reach any of them via the book? Hope so.
The donation to charity I mention at the end of that post came without my asking for it. Somehow, it is making me close an inner circle. A path that has to do with losing, recovering, dedicating an action and now giving back. I feel content.
Education is about making our life quality better, without imposing any model of what is to be understood by 'better'.
There will always be people who simply do not get it.
-People who are suspicious of technology integration, for example.
-People who think technology is dangerous because there is no perfect security online. Risk management does not occur to them.
-Students who crave for lots of structured guidance and not the marvelous open-ended activities we can think of -now that we are empowered by Web 2.0 tools.
I hope I do not get too despaired when I see they do not get it. I will have learnt very little if I cannot tolerate the divide between the blog-haves and blog-not. My goal is to keep the dialogue open.
One last wish before I tag you.
6) Hope this blog continues being a means to meet and converse with people.
Yet another,
7) Hope one day my posting frequency matches the speed of my thoughts. Well, let's be reasonable, keeping up the pace would suffice -or I will get a ticket for speeding on the blog.
How about your goals?
Karyn Romeis
Teacher Dude
Chris Craft
Steve Dembo
Baxter Tocher
Related post: Not part of the meme, but inspiring post from Will Richardson
Labels: Baxter Tocher, Chris Craft, Eduardo Peyrano, Karyn Romeis, Kelly Christopherson, Steve_Dembo, Teacher Dude
Claudia Ceraso Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
May 11th, 2007 at 11:20 am
Got here via a tweet by Bud.
Lot’s of points to comment on, but I’ll try to focus on the post question: “What can we do so that this doesn’t happen to us?”Tell them. Teachers/project designers; students/protagonists; parents/school authorities and website lurkers. All of them. Whoever is involved in the project should have a clear sense of the value students expression bring to the learning process.
Evidently students were happy and teachers too. Yet, it seems to me the project was not exactly a classroom without walls. Fear appeared in those who probably felt left out -without a place to express themselves about this. So they went to the authorities and tried to find the force of a law to demand a place for that denied chance of expression. So they affect ours.
For those of us who have understood the value of technology integration, not publishing out of fear of the consequences is simply not an option. But we very well understand that the benefits outweigh the risks. If problems come up, we will analyse, share in blogs and resort to the network to solve them quickly. Closing down a class wiki? Never. We learn and continue.
There is nothing to complain about parents being so concerned with safety. We should share with them what we have learnt and encourage their posting questions in blog comments or perhaps a wiki page within our class project. I’m beginning to work on that here:
I haven’t had any complaints from parents so far, but I expect some will crop up. I teach English as a foreign language. Students post homework late in the evenings and not all parents understand what they are saying. I’m sure there will be room for misunderstanding. I will just try to avoid snowball effects and keep up the work.
My policy is not to reveal students private info in a wiki or class blog. Thank you for the link to the Blooging Rules. Let me share mine:
A work in progress, of course. I keep reflecting on these things.
Please keep up posting on this. Love to know how the incident was solved.