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Twitter Aladdin

Twitter Aladdin
Tweet your Wish. Beware what you choose ( it may come true).

I tweet. I like it. I think it is powerful, particularly for making connections fast. The best part of Twitter is beyond the question about what you are doing.

The thing I value about microblogging is that it totally disrupts my way of writing. I tend to think too much around a post. So much that I can even get writtters block.

However, on Twitter, I can generally voice the first thing on my mind. Not sure my tweets are diamonds in the rough, but the results may be surprising.

Yesterday, Steve Dembo posted this,

My answer was immediate,

Today, just a day later and by pure serendipitious finding at Ning, I land on this page,

Magic. I am the first and only follower added there. For a short time, naturally. I just wanted to capture this screenshot of the empty page saying simply one word. Joined. I imagine many an insightful tweet originating there.

What is Twitter all about?
You still do not get it? Is it silly? Stop thinking it is about answering just one question. Twitter is not simply about what you are doing. Much rather about what you would like to make happen.

What is your tweet wish? Be careful...

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Downes with one friend- that is a collector item screen shot.

But do you really know who its is?

What is...

... someone squatted on that account

could twit something bad.

(it was not me, I am just thinking dark thoughts of conspiracy)

This comment has been removed by the author.

(Bad link in my previous comment -removed it)

Neither good nor bad tweets, Alan. Stephen just posted he is not particularly interested in his Twitter account.

I do not see the connection between becoming a Ning member and having a Twitter account, though.

I understand Stephen's point of making the web come to you. I particularly dislike not being able to read and answer comments made inside Ning or a Moodle site directly from my mail. Why do I have to go there, sign in and post something? I also consider I am creating the same inconvenience for the person who gets my answer alert in his mail. I think at least twice before writing. It must be not only worth a read but also all the click surplus.

I do not use a mobile phone (maybe one day when it is less expensive?). I hear people get a kick out of it. I just don't. Twitter works for me. And if it didn't, I think I would not use it even if the whole world did.

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